Monday, March 11, 2013

One month of Luciana

Luci turned one month old on February 9. Let's see what I can remember.

We spent one week in the hospital. Three weeks at home. For the first two weeks at home I slept upright with her skin-to-skin on my chest. The hospital made us so paranoid about her temperature regulation that I didn't feel safe any other way. At three weeks old my back was killing me so we graduated to trying to get her to sleep in her bed! (We're still working on that.)

She also had her first bath just after turning one month old. We had put it off until her temperature problems were well behind us. She loved it.

She started waking up from her sleepiness and making eye contact.

We saw lots of dreamy smiles, the kind that are supposedly an endearing reflex to keep us from abandoning our babies. Or maybe she had lots of marvelous dreams about milk. Her most common awake face was her "oooo" face, with her mouth shaped into a perfect O. It was hard to capture, but this is kind of it:

Luci met her first family member! My niece came for a quick visit from college. It was great to see her.

We had lots of outings in her first month. I went back to work at the church when she was 3 weeks old, and also started going in to my office job once a week. We went to each of our doctors multiple times, and got together with some friends at the mall. We had several visitors and yummy meals from friends at our church. Mostly we stayed alone at home snuggling on the couch. It was pretty wonderful.

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