Monday, March 11, 2013

At rest

It's been a lazy day around here. It's 3pm and Luci and I are both still in our pjs.

She loves crossing her feet!

She slept fairly well last night so I also slept fairly well. But we only slept about 3 hours the night before, and yesterday was a busy day, so I'm a little slow-moving.

She had a good night but was a little fussy this morning and seemed to be uncomfortable. I, on the other hand, had a lot of work projects to get done today. She disagreed. She didn't want to be put down for more than a moment. She finally took a nap by herself this morning as long as I sat on the floor right next to her bouncer. Then I had just gotten her to sleep for her second nap when our sweet next-door neighbor stopped by to meet Luci and visit for a while. [People love babies.] Once awake, it took another hour to get her resettled into a nap. Is it wrong to say that your baby is getting on your nerves just the tiniest little bit?

However, once this happened, all was forgiven.

How can you stay irritated hearing those sweet little sleepy sighs?

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