Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sitting up and taking notice!

This morning Luciana and I met up with our respective bffs to go to a few yard sales. We found a few cute outfits and then went over for naps (for babies) and breakfast (for grown-ups).

We were sitting around and chatting and all of a sudden this happened, with virtually no warning!

She was pretty wobbly, so the pics are blurry.

I was starting to think she'd crawl before she sat, so at least she snuck this little skill in there first. She also demonstrated her "crawl" today - which consists of getting up on all fours, moving her knees one at a time, then moving both her arms at the same time and face planting forward. (Mean ol' floor, coming up to hit her like that!)

Good job, baby!

(I think she got inspired watching all the big kids in the nursery at VBS this week.)

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