Sunday, June 2, 2013

"She's so gentle."

I can't stop thinking about this thing that happened last night.

It is hot around here these days. Luci and I arrived home yesterday from an evening walking around the mall to an apartment that was 85 degrees. I, thinking I would be such a good mom, decided to give her a cool bath to give her some relief from the weather (the mall had not been as cool as I hoped it would be). I put her in her little bathtub and started filling it with water that felt refreshing to my arm. She was not as pleased as I hoped she would be, and as I continued to fill it with cool water, she became increasingly upset. I started filling the regular tub with warm water and moved her into the other part of the tub.

By the time I realized she was definitely not appreciating the cool water and could get her into the warmer water, she was pretty upset. Ok, she was absolutely screaming and writhing around. I spoke to her soothingly as I eased her into the warm water. As soon as she was there, she stopped crying, looked right at me, and beamed her wonderful smile at me. I couldn't believe how quickly she could turn from telling me about her immense displeasure with the situation to seemingly forgetting that the horrible moment had ever happened. Her forgiveness was immediate and complete. We finished up her bath with peace and contentment and I think she did feel refreshed after all having been in the water.

In the hospital when Luci was born, a nurse who was watching us as we got set up for a feeding made a simple comment: "She's so gentle." She probably thought nothing of it, but it struck me in that moment how true it was. Maybe it was normal for a two day old baby to be gentle, or maybe not, but this rang true in my heart. Gentleness is something I struggle with so much in my life. For years I have prayed for a gentle spirit. It made my heart so hopeful that she might be gifted with one from birth. She has continued in this gentleness since those early days. And not just in gentleness, but in patience. It is strange to describe a baby as patient, but there have been many times I knew she was ready to eat but she calmly and gently waited until I was ready to feed her. I now actually have to be careful not to take advantage of her patience - just because she will wait does not mean I should make her wait!

Today it was still 85 degrees in our house, so I decided to take a cool bath. After several moments in there, I realized I was actually suffering and not at all happy, and that what I really wanted was warm water. I remembered Luciana last night and thought how I was just like her.

Maybe she is also teaching me patience and gentleness.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, 
the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, 
which is of great worth in God's sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4 (NIV)

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