Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Since I'm not keeping a baby book, I thought I better document this here before I forget it - like I did with her first smile, first bath, first giggle, first everything until now...

On a whim I put Luciana on her tummy this evening. She had been playing with her dangling toys on her playmat and seemed in good spirits, so I thought we'd give it a whirl. She doesn't always like it but she will usually tolerate it. (Her papi apparently does it several times a day when he's with her, but I only do it perhaps once a week when I think of it - hoping that all the snuggling and babywearing really does count for tummy time like they say it does.)

She was showing off her baby plank pose and I was lying down next to her on the floor. We were admiring how long and how high she was holding herself up, more than we'd seen before. Next thing I knew she had pushed herself right over and was lying on her back grinning at me. Her eyes were wide and she seemed surprised at what she had accomplished. She and I were both delighted so I promptly rolled her back over to her tummy to watch her do it again. I was hoping to be able to show her daddy but she rolled over before he could even turn back to see it (he had turned his back at the wrong time and only partially seen the first one). She was very pleased with herself! Then I realized that I should have videod it that second time, so I picked up my camera, put her on her tummy and started the video, hoping she'd have one more roll in her. Two or three minutes later she had completely given up on even holding up her head and was pretty unhappy that I wasn't holding her to celebrate her accomplishment. Oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll catch it on film.

I was very surprised she rolled over since she hasn't even tried to do so before that I could see. Sometimes she looks like she is trying to roll from her back to her tummy, but she only gets up to her side and then gets frustrated. Or falls asleep. Or finds her hand and lies there on her side sucking on it. I haven't been looking forward to the rolling stage because I like being able to put her down someplace and know she won't be doing much moving. Maybe she can delay her back to tummy roll though so I can enjoy this stage a bit longer! I'd selfishly like to put off mobility as long as possible. ;)

She was so tuckered out afterwards that she went to bed a whole hour earlier than normal.

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