Friday, April 26, 2013

A baby loves her mama

Last Saturday evening I was holding Luciana after a concert. I had fed her and I was enjoying some snuggly time. She was getting very sleepy but I continued to hold her in the crook of my arm and stare at her. She is so lovely to stare at, you see. And when she locks eyes with you, it's very hard to turn away.

I noticed her little eyes get a little red like they do when she is tired, just like her daddy. And they got a little droopy. But as they got droopier and droopier, the sweetest thing happened.

From her half-closed eyes, she smiled at me. I smiled back at her. Her eyes softly closed, but she opened them halfway just to look at me. She smiled again. I smiled at her. Her eyes fluttered, then she opened them a quarter of the way, stared up at me, and smiled again.

She repeated this until she succumbed to her sweet sleep with a smile on her face and I sat with tears streaming down my cheeks looking at this precious little baby. She wanted to sleep, but she equally wanted to look at me. She had no energy left in her body to even hold open her eyes, but she mustered up the little she needed to smile at me over and over again as she drifted away.

I felt like she loved me. Imagine feeling that from an infant. And it made me feel like I've done some things right by her.

What a sweet memory.

[I thought I better write it down for when she's 14 and telling me she hates me.]

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